Zone 56 | 10:15 am | Children's Center | 5th-6th Grade Zone 56 is our preteen ministry. Zone 56 will be studying “Accepted,” a series on identity that teaches preteens that God loves and accepts them as-is and how to extend that same grace to others.
Arkventures | 10:15 am | Children's Center | Ages Birth-4th Grade This quarter we are digging in to The Heart of God and how to apply His Word to our lives. Sunday School is a great opportunity for children to dive deep into God’s Word with adult leaders who faithfully serve every week, and to build a church community with their peers. Arkventures meets in the Children's Center located at the center of the Mulberry Campus.
Zone 56 is our preteen ministry for 5th & 6th Grade and meets on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30 pm for Bible study, discipleship, and occasionally service opportunities! This group meets in the Children's Center.
Faith Family Night is on the Mulberry Campus for ages 6 weeks-4th and is a great place for discipleship and community. There are classes for the whole family! Each age group has a time of Bible study, discipleship, music, and age-appropriate activities. Children's activities are located in the Children's Center from 6:30-7:30 pm on Wednesdays. Childcare is available for ages 0-3 years for parents participating in a small group or Bible Study.