helping seekers to become believers
and believers to become disciples.
Serving Together
We believe that God is on the move, at work in our world transforming the lives of individuals and communities through hope and love in service to others. At Trinity Baptist Church we serve in a variety of ways around the community locally, regionally, and globally. Our Missions Team is a great way to come alongside of our neighbors and work together to meet the real world and spiritual needs of those around us.
Why Partner With Us?
Fulfilling the Great Commission:
Partnering extends the church’s ability to “go and make disciples” at home and around the world.
Living Out the Great Commandment:
Partnering helps the church to “love your neighbor as yourself” by meeting physical needs.
Helping the Church be Relevant & Engaged:
When church members get involved with meeting real needs, they come alive as they experience the relevance and unity of the Church.
Our Trinity Baptist Partnerships
Global Partners:
The Aldape Ministry, Spain
Baptist World Alliance
Buckner International
Living Waters Ranch, Honduras
The MacKintosh Ministry, N. Ireland
Nazareth Evangelical Theological Seminary, Israel
The Podgaisky Ministry, Ukraine
Regional Partners:
Baptist Child and Family Services
Baptist Medical Dental Fellowship
Baylor Baptist Student Ministry
CBF Texas
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Educational & Legal Immigration Services (ELIM)
Fellowship Southwest
Go and Tell Ministries
Life Choices Medical Clinic
Life Skills for Living
South Texas Children’s Homes
Texas Baptists (BGCT)
Local Partners:
Alpha Home Ministry
Baptist University of the Americas
CAM Ministry
Great Hearts Monte Vista
Neighborhood Faith Convening/Vista Collaborative
Habitat for Humanity
Proverbs 31 Ministry
Salt Block Ministry
SAMM Ministry
San Antonio Baptist Assoc.
San Antonio Christian Dental Clinic
San Antonio Rescue Mission
YMCA of Greater San Antonio